lundi 31 mars 2014

Furry Fair : The End

Hello all!!

Furry Fair is finish.

Furry Fair was organized by PotPourri Markets, and an idea by Athora Toxx.

Potpourri Markets, Taylor Flanagan and chloe Seljan, did't know who furry were. We discover a very funny, nice and sweet community. We hope that Furry Fair was appreciated by furries but also that it helped no furries to discover them.

We'd like to thanks Moya Patrick, for his exhibition, his video, but also for his presence.

We'd like to thanks all our merchants! And all our artists.

A big thanks to all our visitors, for their presences but also their generosity.

Yes generosity.

We had a "Feed a Smile" Board in Furry Fair, and some special Feed a Smile events.
At the end we had more than 110000 L$!

Thanks all! Now it's time to rest.

The next event by PotPourri Markets will be Pumpkin Town.

To Follow PotPourri Markets

Our Facebook Page

dimanche 30 mars 2014

Furry Fair : The Closing Day


It's the last day of Furry Fair. The Closing Day...
The last day to visit Furry Fair.

We propose you a dj set and a live performance :

March 31

11 am : DJ Louise.
The sweetest DJ in Second Life!! A moment to not miss.

1 PM : Luvsong Writer

Taxi :

With Furry Fair, you discover and visit two exhibitions, one by Moya Patrick and another by Athora Toxx

But you can aslo help Feed a Smile, a charity action for Kenyan children

Warum ist man ein Furry?

Von Alastair Taurog
English version HERE

"Why are you a Furry?

Ich schreibe dies nicht für jene, die schon alles über Furries wissen. Sie werden wenig Überraschendes finden. Ich schreibe es für Leute, die wenig wissen und sich immernoch Fragen stellen (Also Leute wie mich...)

Warum ist man ein Furry? Was genau ist überhaupt ein Furry? Wo kommen sie her?

Furries sind viel...und es gibt genauso viele Mißverständnisse. Viel dachten und denken, das Furries den ganzen Tag yiffen und das 90% von ihnen schwul sind. Ein Überbleibsel aus ganz alten Tagen, als die Zahl vermutlich korrekt war. Über das Andere kann ich nichts sagen. Ich war nicht dabei. Viele haben ihre Meinung aus der berüchtigten CSI-Folge... Und einige denken, das Furries Tiere ficken...
Aber Dummheit kann man überall finden.

Manche sagen, Anubis war der erste Furry, ganz offiziell und in Stein gehauen. Immerhin war er ein Gott. Was aber ist dann mit seinen Kollegen, wie z.B: Bastet, Sobek oder Hathor? Von denen hört man weniger...Vielleicht weil sie nicht so elegant daherkommen oder bedenkliche Eigenschaften und Gewohnheiten mitbringen? Aber, und das kann nicht geleugnet werden, er war wohl wirklich der erste Anthro.
Ich denke aber, das daß Prinzip Furry damals noch nicht so recht entwickelt war...
Die Geschichte reicht von der Steinzeit, als man sich Hörner aufsetzte, um...Ja, was eigentlich? (Genau weiß das keiner so recht.)...über die Kynocephalen des Mittelalters, Bugs Bunny (War der ein Furry, ohne es zu wissen?) und japanische (natürlich;)) Comics bis zu den Fursuits von heute. Micky Maus! Ein Furry?
Was ist mit den Ferals? Gehören die Drachen dazu? Die sich selbst als Scalies bezeichnen;) Der Begriff ist auch recht neu...Warum sind die meisten Furries Füchse, Wölfe oder Katzen? In allen Variationen inclusive Wer-Formen... Schafe, Ziegen, Kühe sind eher selten und man kann sich auch vorstellen, warum. Ja, es gibt einige Kühe und sie treten meistens sehr deutlich hervor... Das ist zu speziell für mich;)
Ich glaub, es gibt tatsächlich Wer-Füchse.

Tatsache ist: Der durchschnittliche Furry existiert nicht. So gefächert wie die Erscheinungen sind auch die Gründe, warum jemand zum Furry wird.
Vielen gefällt die Vielfalt der Möglichkeiten, sich zu gestalten und sich so auszudrücken und in der Tat ist sie erheblich größer als für Menschen, die sich eigentlich nur wunderliche Kostüme anziehen oder Metall ins Gesicht hängen können. Oder in durchsichtiger Unterwäsche herumlaufen, was ja auch gerne getan wird...
Die Persönlichkeit ausdrücken. Etwas von sich zeigen, was man im RL nicht zeigen kann. Sichtbarer werden, indem man eine Maske aufsetzt.
Man wählt einen Aspekt eines Tieres aus, den man für sich als wichtig erachtet und gestaltet sich danach. Das kann ein realer Aspekt sein oder ein vermuteter, genauso wie der Avi real oder erdacht sein kann (So real, wie ein Furryanthro eben ist;))
Nicht alle Füchse sind schlau, nicht alle Wölfe einsam...nicht alle Hasen...aber das ist eine andere Geschichte.
Niemand ist gezwungen, bei einer Spezies zu bleiben. Pink Ringtail? Warum nicht?

Manche denken lange nach, bevor sie einen Avi wählen. Andere trifft es wie der Schlag. Manche wechseln ihre Erscheinung je nach Stimmung und Situation, andere wechseln nur ihre Garderobe (und manche tragen gar keine...). Manche wollen probieren und sich verwandeln, andere finden ihren Avi und bleiben dabei, weil er das ist, was sie hier sein wollen und sie verändern ihn nur selten und mit Vorsicht.

Einige sagen, man kann sich mehr erlauben als Furry;) Vielleicht, weil Menschen einen nicht so ernst nehmen?
Flucht ist manchmal ein Grund. Jemand wird schwer verletzt und wird Furry, um das nicht wieder zu erleben. Um für Menschen unattraktiv zu werden... Aber: Eventuell wird man für Furries attraktiv... Andere schützt der Furry: Vor Vergleichen und vor Wettbewerben, die sie nicht annehmen wollen, weil sie sie doof finden und nicht gewinnen können. Und vor Riesenfrauen in durchsichtiger Unterwäsche;)
Manche kommen, um Frieden und Freundschaft zu finden und manche finden sie tatsächlich. Auch wenn sie deswegen einiges auszustehen hatten...Stichwort Tiere f***

Fursona...auch nicht unwichtig. Aber das würde nochmal soviel Platz füllen... Da wir aber im 21.Jahrhundert leben: :)

Rumgefragt ich habe...
Es kam nicht einmal eine Antwort wie „Es ist lustig“ oder „Die Katze war so süß“ oder „Ich will den ganzen Tag yiffen“. Jeder, aber auch wirklich jeder sagte „Hm, gute Frage. Darüber muß ich nachdenken.“ Und jeder hatte einen, seinen Grund, der einleuchtete (oder über den man zumindest nachdenken konnte;))

Tatsächlich kann ich sagen, daß ich noch nicht einem Furry begegnet bin, der aggressiv oder dumm war. Nicht alle sind happy, manche haben einen seltsamen Sinn für Humor oder kommen sehr individuell daher, aber ich hatte immer den Eindruck, daß da jemand war, der dachte, bevor er redete und etwas hatte, über das er reden konnte.
Im Gegenteil sind Furries das Ziel von Aggressionen: Sie werden verfolgt, beleidigt und mit Griefern genervt. Aber warum?
Meistens stecken religiöse Wahnsinnige dahinter, in deren Welt die Furries nicht hineinpassen. Ich kann es nur vermuten, aber ich denke, ein Grund ist die Tatsache, daß Furries etwas Neues sind, das in der realen Welt nicht vorkommt. Eine durch und durch menschliche Schöpfung. Nicht Teil von Gottes Plan. Oder so.
Und natürlich denken sie, das 90% aller Furries schwul sind. „Furfag!“
(Ich frage mich, was sie wohl von Drachen halten...;))
Diese Leute wenden große Mengen an Zeit, Energie und auch Kreativität auf, um anderen das Leben schwer zu machen (also nicht anders als im RL), während die Furries Zeit, Energie und Kreativität benutzen, um sich und andere zu erfreuen.
Man darf fragen, was besser ist...
(Natürlich keinen von den religiösen Wahnsinnigen.)
Am Rande: Ich hörte mal, daß der Pastor einer SL-Kirche auf die Kanzel kam und vor ihm saß ein Dutzend Furries. Jetzt ist die Verwirrung komplett:)

Ja, ich weiß, ein Wort verfolgt euch seit einer Weile...das Y-Wort!

Wie im Lexikon der Furries zu lesen ist, leitet sich das Wort „Yiff“ vom Paarungslaut der Füchse ab. Es gab den Versuch, es per Petition in das Oxford Dictionary aufnehmen zu lassen. Ob es geklappt hat, weiß ich nicht. Einfach mal nachsehen?

Furries yiffen. Das steht außer Zweifel. Es gehört zum Leben einer erwachsenen Person dazu oder sollte es zumindest. Manche tun es oft, manche nie. Die einen brauchen es, andere nicht. Ob man es tut oder nicht, ist Teil der individuellen Freiheit und muß von jedem selbst entschieden werden. Furries yiffen nicht den ganzen Tag durch.
Ich glaube sogar, daß der durchschnittliche Furry (da ist er also doch) weniger „Interaktion“ dieser Art hat als Menschen. Auch glaube ich, daß die Zahl der Yiff-Sims verglichen mit der Zahl der Furries wesentlich kleiner ist als die Zahl der Sex-Sims aller Couleur für Menschen.
Ich kann nur für mich sprechen, aber mir füllen Kunst, Musik, ausgefallene Sims und ein intelligentes Gespräch den Tag weitaus besser und ich denke, da bin ich in guter Gesellschaft. Das heißt nicht, daß ich nicht... aber dafür muß ich mein Gegenüber schon eine Weile kennen;)

Was sind Furries also?
Klar ist, was sie nicht sind: 24/7 Yiffbags
Und, und das muß hier nochmal gesagt werden: Sie treiben es im RL auch nicht mit Tieren! Jedenfalls nicht häufiger als jeder andere auch...

Und was sind sie?
Laßt mich DD Ra zitieren:
"Being furry is a personal search... and being part of a community. What I like in the furry community, its that it's a bunch of creative people, who are searching themself and go beyond the appearances."

Ich war bisher nicht Teil der Fur-Community. Vielleicht sollte ich das ändern. Also, wenn ihr wißt, wo ich sie finde... Schickt mir eine Nachricht.

(Und ich glaube doch, daß manche die Hasen nur wählen, weil sie so süß sind;))

Euer Alastair"

vendredi 28 mars 2014

"Why are you Furry?" A summary of a meeting

A summary wrote by Alastair Taurog. Thanks to him.
German version HERE

"Why are you a furry?

I dont write this for those who already know everything about Furries.

They wont find a lot of surprises. I write it for people, who know little and still ask themselves questions (People like me...)

Why is one a Furry? What exactly is a Furry? Where do they come from?

Furries are a lot...and there are as many misunderstandings. A lot of people thought and still think that Furries yiff all day long and that 90% of them are gay. A remainder from very ancient times, when the number was presumably right. I cannot say anything about the other thing. I wasnt there. Lots got their opinion from the notorious CSI-Episode...And some even think, that Furries fuck animals...
But you can find stupidity everywhere.

Some say Anubis was the first Furry, officially and carved in stone. After all, he was even a god. But what about his pals, like, for example, Bastet, Sobek or Hathor? You dont hear that much about them... perhaps because theyre not as elegant or have questionable characteristics and habits? At least it cannot be doubted that he presumingly was the first Anthro.
But I guess that the Furry principle hasnt been thoroughly developed in those days... History reaches from the Stone Age, when you put antlers and horns on to... Yes, to do what? (No one REALLY knows)... over the Dogmen (Kynocephals) from the medievals and Bugs Bunny (Was he a Furry without knowing?) to japanese (of course;)) comic strips and the fursuits of today. Micky Mouse! A Furry?
What about Ferals? Are the dragons part of it? Who call themselves „Scalies“;)
Also a quite new term and concept... Why are most Furries Foxes, Wolves and Cats?
In all possible variations including Were-Forms... Sheep, Goats and Cows are more rare and one can imagine why. Yes, there are some cows and they often stand out in a quite explicite way... Thats too special for me:) I guess there are really Were-Foxes.

Fact is: The avarage Furry doesnt exist. As widespread as the appearances are the reasons why someone becomes a Furry.
Some like the diversity of possibilities to design and express yourself in that way and indeed the diversity is vastly larger than for humans, who can basically just put on wondrous garments or metal in their face. Or run around in transparent underwear, which is also done often and with pleasure...
To express personality. Show something of you, that you cannot show in RL. Become more visible by wearing a mask. You choose an aspect of an animal which you regard as important for you and shape yourself in accordance. This might be a real or imagined aspect as well as the Avi can be real or imagined (As real, as an Athrofurry can be...;)). Not all Foxes are smart, not all Wolves are lonely..not all Bunnies...but thats another story.

No one is forced to stay within a species. Pink Ringtail ? Why not?
Some reflect for a long time before they choose an Avi. Some get hit like by a flash. Some change their appearance depending to mood and situation, some just change their wardrobe (and some dont even wear one...). Some want to try and change themselves, some find their Avi and stay with it, because its what they want to be here and they change it very rarely and with caution.

Some say you can do and risk more things as a furry;) Perhaps, because humans dont take you that serious? Escaping is a reason sometimes. Someone got severely hurt and becomes a Furry not to go through that again. To become unattractive to humans... But: You might become attractive to Furries..
Others are protected by the Furry Avi: Against comparisions and competitions they dont want to be part of, because they regard them as stupid and cannot win them. And against giant women in transparent underwear;)
Some come to find peace and friendship and some really find it. Even if they had to go through a hard time... Keyword: Fucking animals.

The Fursona...also a not unimportant topic. This would fill as much space again. But as we live in the 21st Century: :)

Around i asked...
I didnt even got one answer like „Its funny“ or „The Kittie was so cute“ or „I want to yiff the whole day“. Everyone, really everyone said: „Hum, good question. I have to think about that.“ And everyone had a, his/her reason, which was clear (or one you could think about at least;)).
I can say indeed that I havent yet met a Furry who was aggressive or stupid. Not all of them are happy, some have a strange humour or are VERY individual, but i always got the impression that theres someone, who thinks before talking and even had something to talk about.
On the contrary, Furries are the target of aggressions. They get pursued, insulted and got on their nerves with griefers.
But why?
Behind it are mostly religious lunatics and Furries dont fit into their world. I can only presume, but I guess one reason is the fact that Furries are something completely new, a human creation through and through. Not part of gods plan. Like that. And of course they think that 90% of all Furries are gay. „Furfag!“
(I wonder what they might think about dragons...)
These people spend a huge amount of time, energy and creativity to make other peoples life miserable (that is like in RL), while Furries spend a lot of time, energy and creativity to please themselves and others.
One might ask, whats better...
(Of course you shouldnt ask one of the religious lunatics.)
By the way: I‘ve heared that one day the minister of an SL-Church entered the pulpit and ahead of him sat a dozen Furries. Now the confusion is complete:)

Yes, I know, one word haunts your mind since a while...the Y-word!

As you can read in the Furry Encyclopedia, the word „Yiff“ was derived from the mating sound of Foxes.There was an attempt to add it by petition to the Oxford Dictionary. I dont know if it was a success. Just look it up?

Furries yiff. Thats beyond doubt. Its part of the life of a grown up person or at least should be. Some do it often, some never. The ones need it, the others dont. If one does it or not is part of the individual freedom and has to be decided by everyone else him/herself.
Furries dont yiff all day long.
In fact I guess that the average Furry (here we got him at last) has less „interactions“ of this kind than humans. I also guess that the number of Yiff-Sims, compared to the number of Furries, is much smaller than the number of Sex-Sims of all couleurs for humans.
I can only speak for myself, but art, music, off-the-track sims und an intelligent conversation fill my day far better and i guess im in good company with that. That doesnt mean that I dont...
But I need to know my counterpart for a while before.

So, what are Furries after all?
Its obvious what they are not: 24/7 Yiffbags.
And, and that had to be stated here again: They dont do it with animals in RL! Not more often than everyone else does, anyhow.

And what are they? Let me quote DD Ra:
"Being furry is a personal search... and being part of a community."

What I like in the furry community, its that it's a bunch of creative people, who are searching themself and go beyond the appearances.

I havent been part of the Furry Community so far. Perhaps I should change that. So, if you know, where i can find it... Drop me a line.

(And I still think that some choose the Bunnies just because they are so cute;))

Yours sincerely Alastair"

Furry Fair : Irish Legend (Rubis Topaz Group)

Hello all!!

We are glad to invit you for a new show created by Rubis Topaz Group!

Music, dance, colors... green colors...

March 28 at 1:30 PM

Iris Legend


Taxi :

mardi 25 mars 2014

Furry Fair with Obeloinkment Wrigglesworth and DJ Txi


Furry Fair will soon close his doors...

But, for the moment, we continue!!!

12 PM : Obeloinkment Wrigglesworth

1 PM : DJ Txi

Two amazing performers!

Don't miss this moment

Taxi :

lundi 24 mars 2014

Furrry Fair with Martina Singh and Nuria Laville


March 25, we propose you two lives performances :

12:15 PM : Martina Singh
All the tips that you give to Marina, will be sent to Feed a Smile. A sweet woman, and very funny!

2:30 PM : Nuria Laville A taste of Sicilia!

Taxi :

Do not miss this moment!

dimanche 23 mars 2014

Furry Fair with Ceci Dover and Zavitar


Furry Fair continues!

March 24, we propose you two lives performances

3 PM : Ceci Dover

4 PM : Zavitar

A great moment to begin the week! and the last week of Furry Fair...

Taxi :

More informations about Furry Fair :

After Feed a Smile Day

After our Feed a Smile Day, we reached 80,000 L$!

800 meals, 800 smiles.

We thank all the generous donors.

But also the artists who participated in this event. And a special thought for Madpea and Queen Pea (Kiana), who offered us a really nice and fun show. Queen Pea should continue to sing! And it's not finish!

Thanks all!!

jeudi 20 mars 2014

Furry Fair : The Feed a Smile Day


March 21 will be a special day at Furry Fair : The Feed a Smile Day

Feed a Smile is a group that helps underprivileged children in Kenya.

A SL group linked with a real NGO : "Live and learn in Kenya". Live and learn in Kenya helps those children by differents way :
- By Foster Care projects
- Constructions projects (Education center)
- School Holiday activities
- Sponsoring program
- And Feeding program.

In Second Life, with Feed a Smile, you can help this Feeding program.

How? each tip that you give will be send to this Feeding Program. 100 L$ = a meal. 100 L$ = a smile...

All tips that you will give during this day to the performers will be send to Feed a Smile :

10 AM : Samm Qendra
11 AM : DJ Bcreative (Classic soft / romantic Goth)
12 PM : Nadine Morani
1 PM : DJ Louise
2 PM : Obeloinkment Wrigglesworth
3 PM : Dragonfly
4 PM : Queen Pea and the Surprises (Madpea)

Taxi :

For more informations : Live and Learn in Kenya website :
Contact : Brique Topaz

mercredi 19 mars 2014

Furry Fair with Jordan Reyne and Ceci Dover


For this March 20, we propose you two amazing artists!

March 20

1 PM : Jordan Reyne (Live Performance)

2 PM : Ceci Dover (Live Performance)

Taxi :

Don't forget!!

We will have a special day at March 21!
March 21 will be a Feed a Smile Day.
A day where you can help some childs in Kenya.
All your tips to performers will be given to Feed a Smile. And each 100 L$ is a smile for a child in Kenya.
All 100 L$ is a meal for a child in Keny.

Our schedule :

10 AM : Samm Qendra.
11 AM : DJ Bcreative
12 PM : Nadine Morani
1 PM : DJ set by Louise
2 PM : Obeloinkment Wrigglesworth
3 PM : Dragonfly
4 PM : Queen Pea and the Surprises

But what could have prepared the Queen Pea?? Will she be able to offer you a performance? Will you let her make a performance? Queen Pea and the Surprises. Surprises?

mardi 18 mars 2014

Furry Fair with DJ Dark


Furry Fair continues!

We invite you for a djset for this 19 March!

March 19 1 PM SLT : DJ Dark'

Taxi :

Come and have fun together.

Don't forget! You can visit two exhibitions : One by Moya and another one by Athora Toxx

jeudi 13 mars 2014

Furry Fair : PJT48 Show and Engrama


Furry Fair continues!!!

March 14

12 PM : PJT 48 Show
The SL's virtual JPOP idols. Dances, colors, music,... and a taste of Japan!

2 PM : Engrama Ionic
 One of the best band in Second Life!

Taxi :

Don't forget!!! We have some freebies at Furry Fair! You don't want miss them

mardi 11 mars 2014

Furry Fair : 3 Lives performances at March 13


At Marc 13, we propose at Furry Fair 3 lives performances of 3 amazing artists!

12 PM : Jordan Reyne

1 PM : Tukso Okey

2 PM : TwinGhost Ronas

Don't miss this moment!


Don't forget, at Furry Fair, you can visit two exhibitions Moya and Athora have decorated two island!

Furry Fair : Lecture de contes


Pour tous nos villages, nous vous proposons une lecture de contes avec Eluna Baramm et ses amis.

La lecture se déroulera le 11 mars à 1:30 PM (SLT)

Vous pourrez en profiter pour découvrir l'exposition de Moya Patrick, puisque la lecture sera entourée des personnages et livres de cet artiste français

Taxi :

N'oubliez pas!!! Furry Fair c'est aussi un soutien à Feed A Smile!

dimanche 9 mars 2014

Furry Fair : Discussion avec DD Ra


Ce 8 mars, une discussion sur les furries s'est faite sur Furry Fair.

Nous vous proposons ce 9 mars, une discussion en français.

Qui sont-ils? Pourquoi ont-ils choisi d'être furry sur SL?
Vous avez des questions? N'hésitez pas!

9 mars 11:30 PM (20h30), avec DD Ra.

Taxi :

Sur Furry Fair, vous pouvez découvrir deux expositions : Une de Moya Patrick et une autre d'Athora Toxx. Trouvez les petits nuages, et cliquez dessus!

vendredi 7 mars 2014

Furry Fair : Dj set by djcristianoo and meeting about Furry

Hello all!!
Furry Fair continues a DJ set and a Meeting about furries 

March 8

10 AM : djcristianoo. A great DJ for a nice music moment in a funny place!

12 PM : Talking about Furry
Do you want more know about furries? Who are them? Why people choose to be furry in Second Life?
Come and asks your question to a furry, Alastair Taurog
Taxi :

Furry Fair is a new world created by PotPourri Markets, and with the collaboration of PIX'L.More information here :

In Furry Fair, you can find some nice shops, but also nice freebies!! Don't miss them!

mardi 4 mars 2014

Why are you Furry?

March 8 (english) and March 9 (français), we will have a discussion about furry.

It would be fine that you say us why you choose to be a Furry in SL.

Can you sen your reason to Alastair Taurog and / or DD Ra?

Thanks a lot!!!

Furry Fair 2014 with Franklee Anatra and DJ Bcreative

Hello all!!

March 4, we propose you a live performance and a dj set!
12 PM : Franklee Anatra
FrankLee has been playing nightclubs and parties professionally in the Real World for well over a decade. Whether it's a full band or as a single, he feels quite at home standing behind a guitar. Now playing classic rock, originals and contemporary hits with his acoustic guitar in Second Life, Frank invites you come and listen. If you like what you hear and want to know where he's playing next, you're invited to join his group, Dream with FrankLee.

1 PM : DJ Bcreative Wilde
One of the best DJ and one of the oldest avatar :p in SL!!
For a punk set!


In Furry Fair, you can visit two exhibitions : one by Moya Patrick and another byAthora Toxx
Where are them? In two islands... find our little clouds, and clic on it!

Our Merchants List

Furry Fair in the Destination Guide!!!

Woot Woot
Furry Fair in the Featured Events

dimanche 2 mars 2014

Furry Fair 2014 Press Release (02/03/2013)

* Blog post by Quand Lavender

* Blog post by Fredylajoie

* Blog post by Doudi

* Blog Post by DD Ra

* Blog Post by Sparkie Cyberstar

* A diaporama

* A machinima by Moya

Some pics of the Opening (and the 7th Saveme Oh Rezzweek), taken during the sweet gig of Sultry Sonata

Furry Fair with Aminius Writer and Samm Qendra

Hello all!!

We hope you are all fine!

Today, we propose you two lives performances 

March 2

12 PM : Aminius Writer

1 PM : Samm Qendra

A promise of a sweet moment!


Don't forget, in Furry Fair we have some specials things : Freebies, the word Game, some informations for newbees and you can help Feed a Smile, a charity group.

The word Game? 
This is a special game for fans of our Facebook Page. We will publish a question or clue in our different groups and pages. The answer to the question can be found IN Furry Fair. The first person to find the word and publish it in our Facebook group will win 250 L$.
Each time a word/answer is found, we'll publish a new question, or a new clue to find the word in Furry Fair. Maximum 1/day.

Questions and clues will be published on our Facebook Page :

Your answers HAS to be published ONLY bellow the question or clue on our Facebook page (please give us also your SL Name) :

samedi 1 mars 2014

Furry Fair : The opening


PotPourri Markets and PIX'L are really proud to invit you to the next PotPourri Markets event : Furry Fair!

What will he have for the Opening?

A Djset by a furry of course! and two lives performances

March 1st

12PM : Alastair Taurog (DJ Furry)

2 PM : Starrfish Ohmai

3 PM : Sultry Sonata

(The sim will be opened at March 1st - 11 AM)

Some links :
- The main page :
- You can help Feed a Smile at Furry Fair :

Follow our Facebook page, and you can perhaps win 250 L$ (with the word Game)

A little diapo :

mercredi 26 février 2014

Furry Fair 2014 : Main Page


And welcome at Furry Fair, the world dedicated to furries!

Furry Fair will be opened from March 1st until Marc 31.

As all PotPourri Markets world, you will find there djset, lives performances, show, exhibitions, stories reading,...
Some really good shops with nice freebies

Exhibition by Moya, PIX'L and a nice creation of Cherry Manga.

You can be nice, and help Feed a Smile.

And two day of meeting to talk about Furry!

Welcome and have fun!

>> Our events Page :

>> Our special Page (freebies, help for news, the word game,...)

>> Feed a Smile

(the sim will be opened at March 1st)

lundi 24 février 2014

Furry Fair 2014 : Gacha "Medals Furry Fair 2014"


Do you want a souvenir of Furry Fair?
We have a gacha with Medals Furry Fair.

Simple... pay 50 L$ and you will have your amazing medals!

Thanks to Alastair Taurog!!

Another pic of Furry Fair? The Stage

Don't miss our specials!

dimanche 23 février 2014

Moya at Furry Fair 2014

*** In English bellow ***

Nous sommes fières d'accueillir l'artiste français Moya Patrick sur Furry Fair.

Moya Patrick est un artiste exposant en réel et à travers les métavers.
Sur Second Life, il a une sim appelée Moya où vous pouvez vous promener pour découvrir un lieu occupé par ses personnages si particulier et être salué par le maître des lieux : Moya Janus.

Furry Fair acceuillera donc quelques-uns de ses personnages. Animaux humanisés ou pas, ou l'inverse... des personnages en 2D.

Venez leur dire bonjour!

Page Facebook :
Website :

To visit Moya Exhibition, clic on our clouds
Pour visiter l'expo de Moya, cliquez sur nos nuages

We are proud to welcome the french artist Patrick Moya on Furry Fair.

Patrick Moya is an artist working in real and in through metaverses.
On Second Life, he has a sim called Moya where you can walk to discover a place occupied by its peculiar character and be greeted by the master of the island: Moya Janus.

Moya will exhibit at Furry Fair some of his characters humanized animals or not, or vice versa ... Characters in 2D.

Page Facebook :
Website :

Come to say hello!!

samedi 22 février 2014

Past | Beyond by Vilvi

Some friends asked us who are furries?

We will propose you during Furry Fair two days where you have informations about this community.

March 8 at 1 PM with Alastair Taurog as speaker (in English)
March 9 at 11:30 AM with DD Ra as speaker (in french)

A sweet machinma where furries are heroes, by Turrivideot

Furry Fair 2014 : Teaser 5

Look our amazing merchants who will be in Furry Fair!
Nice stuffs and freebies!

dimanche 16 février 2014

Furry Fair : Teaser 2

Two new pics of Furry Fair !!!

Feed a Smile at Furry Fair

March 21, we are proud to propose you a Feed a Smile Event.
All your tips will be gave to this charity group

The Lavender Field for Feed a Smile is a charity venue for Live and Learn in Kenya Int'l (RL organization). They raise funds to feed very needy children in Kenya.

Live and Learn in Kenya Int'l works also on foster care, constructions (Education center), school holiday activities. Live and Learn in Kenya Int'l has also a program with which you can help a child to change his futur (sponsoring)

So, don't miss this event! March 21, from 10 AM.

You can find more information about Live and Learn in Kenya here :

You can visit The Lavender Field here :

For more informations, you can contact Brique Topaz inworld.

lundi 3 février 2014

Talking about Furry - Parlons des furrys


We will have, during the Furry Fair, a conference about Furries. Who are they? Why are they furries? ...

Do you have questions? Do you want to know more about this community?

You can send us your questions :
By email :
By notecard to : chloe Seljan, Taylor Flanagan or Athora Toxx.


Nous aurons, pendant Furry Fair, une conférence sur les furrys. Qui sont-ils? Pourquoi sont-ils des furrys?...

Vous avez des questions? Vous souhaitez connaître un peu mieux cette communauté?

Vous pouvez envoyez vos questions :
Par email :
Par notecard : chloe Seljan, Taylor Flanagan ou Athora Toxx.

Our events page :
Our Facebook page :


Gespräche über Furries!

Während der Furry Fair werden wir eine Menge über Furries reden. Wer sind sie? Und warum?

Habt ihr Fragen? Wollt ihr mehr über Furries wissen?

Dann schickt uns eure Fragen:
Per E-Mail :
Per Notecard : chloe Seljan, Taylor Flanagan or Athora Toxx.

dimanche 19 janvier 2014

Furry Fair 2014 : News

PotPourri Markets has begun to work on Furry Fair.

Furry Fair is a new world created by PotPourri Markets, with the collaboration of Athora Toxx (PIX'L).
Furry Fair ist eine neue Welt, erschaffen von Potpourri Markets, in Zusammenarbeit mit Athora Toxx (PIX'L).

A world dedicated to furries.

Eine Welt, gewidmet den Furries...

A world where you can find some nice stuff for furries, informations about furries, djset, lives performances, shows, freebies,...

Eine Welt, in der ihr schicke Dinge für Furries finden könnt, sowie Informationen, DJSets, Live-Auftritte, Shows, Freebies...(kein deutsches Wort dafür;))

Furry Fair will be opened on March 1st, 2014.

Furry fair öffnet am 1.März 2014

We published the application form for merchants.

Are you a creator for furries stuff? Interested to have a  shop in Furry Fair?

Stellst Du Dinge für Furries her? Möchtest Du einen Laden auf der Furry Fair aufmachen?

You can find some information, conditions and the form here :

Hier findest Du Informationen, Bedingungen und ein Formular: