dimanche 2 mars 2014

Furry Fair with Aminius Writer and Samm Qendra

Hello all!!

We hope you are all fine!

Today, we propose you two lives performances 

March 2

12 PM : Aminius Writer 

1 PM : Samm Qendrahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUZp2gSLMig

A promise of a sweet moment!


Don't forget, in Furry Fair we have some specials things : Freebies, the word Game, some informations for newbees and you can help Feed a Smile, a charity group.

The word Game? 
This is a special game for fans of our Facebook Page. We will publish a question or clue in our different groups and pages. The answer to the question can be found IN Furry Fair. The first person to find the word and publish it in our Facebook group will win 250 L$.
Each time a word/answer is found, we'll publish a new question, or a new clue to find the word in Furry Fair. Maximum 1/day.

Questions and clues will be published on our Facebook Page :

Your answers HAS to be published ONLY bellow the question or clue on our Facebook page (please give us also your SL Name) :https://www.facebook.com/potpourrimarkets

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